Classification > Overview

   Overview of main classes
   Notes on the classification system
   Fixed sub-divisions
   Empty divisions
   Shelf mark

For more details

   Classes A-C
   Class D
   Classes E-G
   Classes H-I
   Classes J-N
   Classes O-P
  Class Q
   Classes R-S

Main classes
Below the title of each class is a brief description of its contents.
A. Generalities
   Dictionaries, concordances, other general works
B. Works by F. M. Alexander
   Including commentaries and examinations of the writings
C. General introductions to the Technique
   Introductory material not relating to any specific issues
D. Teaching and learning the Technique
   Works exclusive to the Technique: teacher training, use and procedures, concepts and principles, teaching methodology.
E. The human organism: fundamental human functions
   Works which refer to or infer from anatomy, physiology, psychology.
F. Health care: medicine
   Diseases and disorders; branches of medicine, therapies, treatments
G. Psychology
   Psychology, applied psychology: psychotherapy
H. Arts
   Drama, music, visual and decorative arts
I. Exercises, sports and games
   Gymnastics, sports, outdoor activities
J. Sociology and social issues
   Social sciences, education, institutions
K. Science
   Scientific method, physical sciences, biology, evolution
L. Technology and work
   Industry & manufacturing; everyday and home activities; leisure activity, travel; work conditions and ergonomics
M. Philosophy
   Including modern philosophy; popular philosophy
N. Religion
   Including modern religions and religious movements
O. The Technique in other context
   References to the Technique without description or introduction, e.g. in interviews, memoirs, biographies, novels
P. History
   Only history of the Technique; obituaries of teachers
Q. Societies and institutions of the Technique
   All isssues concerning policies of teacher socities and other Alexander Technique institutions
R. The Alexander Technique practice
   Non-teaching issues: employment, running a practice, advertising, accounting
S. Pictures [not yet in use]
   See Picture search
Z. Non-Alexander Technique material [not yet in use]
   A few items contain the suffix -z to indicate they are not on the Alexander Technique.
Note the three-fold structure:
A - C Alexander and general
D - N Application of the Technique or how the Technique informs or is informed by various disciplines or approaches
O - S Sundry subjects

Classification systems are bad masters, but useful servants.

A system for organising material on the Alexander Technique ought not to separate the mental and the physical because the Technique makes no such separation. Many classes, for example class E, are intended to include physical and mental aspects. However, just as our language does not contain any word for psycho-physical activity as a whole so we still rely on a language which separates our world into ready-made categories, and the classification system reflects that it is still practical to separate those activities which are predominantly mental from those which are predominantly physical. Any one item can only belong to one category, and decisions on “borderline” classification cases may differ from person to person. However, general rules and principles can be applied for a wide range of cases and the classification manual is designed to ensure as uniform a classification as is possible.

The classification system is a work in progress. The classes are fixed, but sections, divisions and sub-divisions may change. In many cases there is as yet not enough literature to determine what structure is most suitable. There are many empty sections and divisions for future use. It is easy to reclassify material however, and the system is designed to evolve with use. Based on the current rate of publishing of material on the Technique, the present classification system should have a lifespan of about 20 years before needing a thorough revision.

For example, classes D. and H. and the sections within them are well established; however, the divisons and subdivisions are likely to change. For example, within class H.40 the subdivisions have yet to be worked out. Specialists are needed to suggests suitable subdivisions

For more details

   For Archivists

The STAT Archives is divided into 21 main classes indicated by an alphabetical letter. Each class is divided into 100 divisions. Each group of ten is called a section. i. e. 20-29 is a section. Each division is divided into 10 sub-divisions. Class is separated from division and division from sub-divisions by a decimal point. A complete entry should read, for example, D.20.10 (one letter, decimal point, two digits, decimal point, two digits). Note: unlike the DSS there is always a decimal point between every two digits. The term “category” is use for all of the above, i.e. classes, sections, divisions, etc. are all considered “categories”.

D.         Teaching and living the Technique [Class]
D. 60   Procedures [Section]
D. 64  Respiratory procedures [Division]
  D.64.30 Whispered Ah [Sub-division]

Each class attempts to present a hierachy where the broadest span comes before entries for narrower spans or individual numbers. Generally, topics (aside from the main classes) are subordinate to and part of the broader topics above them. Notation moves from the general to the specific.

The classes represents both disciplines, approach and subjects. Although it is unlikely that there is a single place for a given subject there are certain “focus” sections or divisions for a general treatment of a subject. For example, E.30 (Musculoskeletal system, motor functions) contains material which includes the role of reflexes and muscle organisation and structure.

The first twenty numbers are fixed categories for all classes and all divisions. These standard sub-divisions are only added for works that cover or approximate the whole of the number.

00 Used only for items waiting to be classified in 01-99
01 Dictionaries, encyclopaedias, concordances
02 Anthologies, compilations, abridgements, summaries
03 Bibliographies
04 News items and announcements
05 Serial publications
06 [Collection and presentation of information - not in use]
07 Methods of investigation and of research
08 Research
09 Historical development
10 On the subject in general
11 Defining the subject and purpose of studies
12 Philosophy and theory
13 Comparative studies
14 Relationship or similarities between the Technique and the subject
15 Practical work/employment issues (for AT teachers)
16 Reviews and summaries of books and other media
17 Reports of workshops, lecturers etc.
18 Case histories
19 Collections

For example, D.64.10 is general material on the respiratory related teaching procedures.

Not all letters and numbers have been used. Some classes and sections have been left for future expansion. Frequently divisions and sub-divisions are not indicated because they are not needed yet. This is indicated by the lack of a division and subdivision number. For example, D.60 = D.60.00 and will indicate that the material belongs to teaching procedures but has yet to be classified within this section.

The classification notation is also shelf-mark (“call no.”) for an item unless otherwise specified. If an article for example is to be found in a newsletter which is in the Archives, chose in the “ID copy” field the entry “In above book/journal” and enter the name in the field “In”. If an item is not located where it is classified, please see the “comment” field for its location.

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