The importance of donations
STAT has very limited funds for acquiring material. STAT is paying for the storage and cataloguing of material, and for the maintenance of the website. Since 2002 STAT has been subscribing to the UK newspaper cutting service which provides cuttings from newspapers and magazines available from newsagents of all articles which mention the Alexander Technique. The Archives relies on gifts from donors for all other items. All gifts will be acknowledged in writing. The records will list the donor unless anonymity is specifically expressed.
What to donate
Any material on the Alexander Technique: articles, letters, manuscripts, photographs. Please donate only original material - not photocopies. We are happy to accept collections - boxes of various material - for our archivist to sort out.
The Items wanted contains a listing of material of particular interest: donations of such material are especially welcome.
Please send or bring in to the STAT office any material. Address and map can be found below.
What not to donate
Material already in the Archives. Please check the database first. However, we are keen to replace photocopies in our collection with originals where possible.
Material not on the Alexander Technique. Although many subjects, such as anatomy, physiology and psychology, are of interest, unless they are written for Alexander Technique teachers, the Archives do not have resources for cataloguing and storing such items.
Making a bequest
The Archives welcomes gifts through bequests. Gifts of a sensitive nature (e.g. personal papers) may be accepted with conditions (such as the restriction “Not for public access until after the death of the donor”).
Gifts should fill gaps in the collection. In the case of duplicate items the archivist may decide to donate copies to the STAT Library, other archives on the Alexander Technique, or to sell the least valuable copy. All funds derived from such sales will go to the purchase of other material.
STAT office
The Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique
1st Floor, Linton House
39-51 Highgate Road
London NW5 1RS
To see the location of STAT's office on a Google map click here.
Please contact the archivist.