Classification code. The classification system has been made for the Alexander Technique.
I. D. no
This is a unique identity number. For articles in serials, books, etc. the journal or book has one identity number (e.g. 202) and the articles in the journal or book has a unique two-digit number after a full stop (e.g. 202.01, 202.02, etc.).
Authors and editors or institutions. Editors are indicated by “-ed.” Surname is followed by first name. “Anonymous” is used when so stated or it appears the author wish to remain so. “Unsigned” is used when no author is given.
Either “Open”, “restricted,” or “closed.” Open means the material is available to everybody who have access to archives. “Restricted” means the material is restricted to certain people, e.g. council members. “Closed” means the material is confidential for a certain time limit.
Definite articles (the, a, an) etc. are placed at the end of the title. Subtitles are separated from the main title by a dash. Private and published letters are always titled first with “Letter:”. Obituaries are also uniform in appearance. “Obituray:” followed by the name of the deceased, followed by the year of birth (if known) and the year of death. Any other title follows as subtitle. Reviews are also uniform in appearance. “Review”, followed by title followed author.
The book/journal/newsletter/etc. in which the article is published.
Volume no. - Issue no. - Pages at
Details for the above journal/book/newsletter/etc. Page nos. are inclusive.
No. of pages
The total number of pages of the archive copy. When the Archives contain a photocopy the number of pages may differ from the the pages in the original.
Date of publication of journal, book, newsletter, etc. ISO 2014-1976E standard of date is used, e.g. 1984.01.12 = 12 January 1984. Dash (-) before a date indicates that it is dated before, e.g. -1976 means it could be any date up to and including 1975. Plus sign (+) after a date indicates it is the date or any time after the date, e.g. 1976+ means it could be 1976 or any year later. If only the decade is known use only three digits, e.g. 197+.
The format or kind of the item. “Article original” means an original copy, e.g. a cut from a newspaper.
How the item was acquired.
Name of the person or organisation who donated the material to the Archives.
Date of acquisition
Used here is the same standard of date described in “Date”.
Previous owner
Notable previous owners who may not be mentioned in donors.
Principal language used. Note that it is language used, not country of publication.
First published
Date of first (earliest) publication where indicated - if different from “Date”.
Original title
Where a title has been changed the first known title will be given here.
Introduction, etc.
Authors of introduction, foreword, preface or other preliminary chapters in books.
Indicate kind of illustrations used.
Words which describe the key interest or focus for the item. Not in use at present.
Summary of material, frequently including subject description, intention and conclusion of the material. Not in use at present.
Observations made by the archivist. Used for for anything unusual, e.g. the condition of the item, storage notes, or the origin or source for the material, e.g. lecture, etc.
Location of the material.
Date entered
Date of when the archivist entered the record card.
Last updated
Recording date of any changes made to the record card.
Entered by
Initials of the archivist who entered the information.