[Class here works exclusive to the Technique, mostly written for teachers]
D.05 Serials
[The Alexander Journal, The Alexander Review, Direction etc.]
D.07 Methodology of making experiences, discovery and research
D.08 Cummulative, combined, comparative research into the Technique
[D.09 Do not use. Use appropriate class or P.20-29.]
D.10 Generally on teaching and learning
D.11 Defining the Technique (What is the Technique?, classifying the T.)
D.14 Relationship between the Technique and other subjects
[When covering more than one class, otherwise class in 14 in the respective class]
[D.15 - Do not use. Use -15 in other classes or R.]
D.17 Reports from special events, multiple workshops, panel discussions, meetings etc.
[Class individual reports under subject]
D.18 Case histories
[Class here case histories which do not fit in other categories]
D.20 General teaching issues, situations and experiences
[Category for teachers, i.e. material addressed to teachers. Predominantly practical experience and advice. Class discussions of methodology in D.50]
D.22 Communicating and presenting the Technique (how to give lectures, workshops, lessons, how to present and communicate the Technique
D.22.30 Lectures [On giving lectures. Class lectures under their subject. Class reports of lectures under subject in -.17]
D.22.40 Workshops [Reports of workshops in -.17 under subject]
D.22.60 On writing on the Technique [On Alexander’s writings in B.80]
D.22.70 Semantics and vocabulary (choice of words, translation problems)
D.22.90 Critiques of how the Technique is presented and communicated
D.23 Giving lessons in general
[For the individual approach, class D.45]
D.23.30 Teacher-pupil relationship [society policies in Q.]
D.23.40 First lesson and interview
D.23.50 Teaching groups
D.25 Teaching strategies [Not included in D.23]
D.27 Interviews with and quotes from teachers [when covering more than one subject]
D.28 Specific teaching situations: unusual circumstances or special groups
[Class teaching to a specific profession under the profession/subject. Class practical issues re teaching in foreign countries in R.40.]
D.29 Other
D.29.40 Miscellaneous teaching observations
D.30 On learning, on being taught: reflections, descriptions, diary of lessons, case histories [Category includes material by pupils or addressed for pupils. Classify case histories on specific subjects, e.g. RSI, horse riding, under the subject categories]
D.31 Experiences in learning and living the Technique (the value and meaning of the T. to an individual, include general critique of the Technique [Class critique of teaching methodology in D.50[1]])
D.32 Learning strategies (E.g. the process of applying the Technique in daily life) [Working on oneself, mirror work; class teaching oneself in D.52]
D.33 Experiences with a specific teacher (reflections, recollections, videos)
D.33.30 F. M. Alexander[2]
D.33.40 First generation teachers (Frank P. Jones, Margaret Goldie etc.)
D.33.50 Second generation teachers [teachers trained year? Location?]
D.33.90 Other teachers
D.34 Teachers’ experiences of learning and of being taught (Personal stories)
D.35 Experiences with training and teacher training courses
D.36 Learning from teaching
[D.37 Pupil’s experiences]
[D.3-: Differentiate between history and reflections on learning: Class in P. items where people are looking back at their lives as a whole, where they are including their private life as well as learning - or teaching - the Technique. Class in D.3- reports which excludes the rest of their history, i.e. reports which mainly deal with experiences in learning - or teaching - the T.]
D.40 Teacher training and postgraduate training
[Class here formal training as opposed to informal training in D.30. Also material of examination kind, tests, and training in other disciplines. Class debates about methodology in D.50]
D.42 Training of teachers (syllabus, curriculum) [Class memoirs of training in P.53.30]
D.43 Post-graduate work (include training in other disciplines)
D.44 Exchange of work
D.45 Supervision (support work, mentoring)
D.46 Teaching and training as a profession[3] [Class society issues in Q. Class issues re the AT practice in R.)
D.48 Standards and tests (examination) [When not relating to the rules of a particular society; see e.g. Q.33.40]
D.49 Other
D.50 Teaching methodology and approaches
[Class here material on the principles of an approach, theory, debates about approach, not individual experiences. Class here practical procedures which are not included in D.60, e.g. methods for dealing with groups. e.g. AT as education vs. therapy]
D.52 General discussions on methodology and approaches (e.g. what happens in a lesson?, is teaching a conditioning?, styles of teaching)
D.53 Approaches according to teacher-pupil ratio and touch
D.53.30 Autodidactic work (mirror work)
D.53.40 Individual (private) teaching
D.53.50 Group teaching
D.53.70 Hands-on (touch) teaching
D.53.80 Non-hands-on teaching
D.54 Approaches according to activity
[Class instructions in D.60]
D.54.10 General
D.54.30 Sitting, standing and chair work
D.54.40 Lying down work (semi-supine)
D.54.50 Classical procedures (procedures used by Alexander such as hands on the back of the chair)
D.54.60 Directed activities (other activities in addition to classical procedures)
D.54.70 Application work [That is, activities which are not specific to the Technique.]
D.54.90 Other (interactive teching method)
D.56 Teaching strategies and methods (e.g. writing essays as part of learning, use of images)
D.57 Teacher training approaches and methodology
D.58 Other approaches and skills [Class also here debates on inclusion of other skills]
D.59 Teaching styles of individual teachers
[When not applicable in 52-58]
D.60 Use and procedures [Class here practical instructions and reports from practical workshops; class arguments about approach in D.50]
D.62 Primary control: head, neck and back (head going forward and up)
D.63 Chair and lying down work
D.64 Vocal and respiratory procedures
[Restrict to specific AT procedures; include use of jaw; use H.24 for general voice and breathing use; use H.42 for singing.]
D.64.30 Whispered ah
D.65 Use of limbs: hand, arms, legs and feet
D.65.30 Hands on, hands on the back of a chair
D.65.50 Standing (+ going up on the toes)
D.65.60 Walking [Classify walking as a general activity in I.84]
D.65.70 Special positions of mechanical advantage, “monkey” (lunge, sliding against a wall)
D.66 Sensory use and procedures 66.10 The eye and the sense of sight; 66.20 The ear and the sense of hearing; 66.30 The tongue and the sense of taste; 66.40 The nose and the sense of smell; 66.50 The senses of touch and temperature; 66.60 The kinaesthetic sense and muscular sensations
D.67 Developmental and other whole body movement procedures (rolling, crawling, Dart procedures)
D.68 Equipment-demanding procedures
D.68.21 Saddle work [Class sitting on a horse under H.62]
D.69 Other
D.70 Basic concepts and principles
D.71 Concepts and principles in general (Discussions on the number , use and terminology of concepts and principles)
D.72 Attitude, belief and conception (incorrect conception)
D.73 Self and psycho-physical unity (mind-body, dualism, the individual)
D.74 Use and functioning (use of self, misuse, manner of use, diagnosis, improvements in use)
D.75 Reasoning and sensory appreciation (feelings)
D.75.30 Reasoning
D.75.40 Sensory appreciation
D.75.50 Habit (reflex, instinct)
D.76 Inhibition, direction, and primary control
D.76.30 Inhibition (stopping, non-doing) and consent
D.76.40 Direction (orders, messages, head forward and up, lengthening, etc.)
D.76.50 Primary control (head-neck-back relationship, primary movment)
D.76.60 Stimulus-response (action and reaction)
D.76.70 Moment of choice
D.76.80 Position of mechanical advantage and antagonistic action
D.77. End-gaining and means-whereby (specific vs. general, doing vs. non-doing, direct vs. indirect)
D.79 Other basic concepts and principles (conscious control, evolution of consciousness, cause and effect).
D.90 Other teaching and learning aspects of the Technique
D.93 The future of the Technique
[1] Distinguish between critique of the Technique (independent of teaching style) and of the teaching of the Technique (dependent on teaching style).
[2] Distinguish between recollections of the teachings of F. M. (D.33.30) and of Alexander’s life (P.33).
[3] General discussions to what extent the teaching of the Technique is a profession and how it affects training of teachers.